Culpa Tuya me titra shqip aka. Culpa Mia 2 ( Your Fault ) | Shqip Cinema
Culpa Tuya aka. Culpa Mia 2 ( 2024 ) me titra shqip | Shqip Cinema
Culpa Tuya me titra shqip | Shqip Cinema
Culpa Mia 2 me titra shqip | Shqip Cinema
Your Fault me titra shqip | Shqip Cinema
Pavarësisht përpjekjeve të prindërve për t’i ndarë, dashuria e Noah dhe Nick duket e pathyeshme. Megjithatë, puna dhe kolegji hapin jetën e tyre për marrëdhënie të reja.

Your FaultCulpa tuya
The love between Noah and Nick seems unwavering despite their parents' attempts to separate them. But his job and her entry into college open up their lives to new relationships that will shake the foundations of both their relationship and the Leister family itself.

Nicole Wallace

Gabriel Guevara

Iván Sánchez

Marta Hazas

Eva Ruiz

Víctor Varona

Gabriela Andrada

Alex Bejar

Javier Morgade

Felipe Londoño

Goya Toledo

Fran Morcillo

José Manuel Palacios
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Mercedes Ron

Álex de la Iglesia

Carolina Bang
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Domingo González
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Domingo González